Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Some reminders

Pick N Save on double coupon day will only double 5 coupons per transaction. After that the coupons don't double. I like to take the highest coupon values and separate them into separate transactions to get the maximum savings. Remember you need to have $25 after the store cad before coupons to get the double coupons. So I like to plan out each transaction to make sure it totals $25 before coupons. Then each transaction has it's own envelope with the Transaction # on the outside. As you shop separate the items into their correct Transaction bag. This will make things much easier at checkout.

When you give the coupons to the cashier also make sure the bigger value ones are on top. (They only double those $1 or less) The first ones they put through are the ones that will double, so make sure they put those through first to maximize savings. Make sure you watch the screen and if you see something not right don't be afraid to stop them and ask.

Another thing I have heard is not be ashamed for saving money. Be proud of it. Dont' worry you will hold the line up. If they don't want to wait they can go to another lane.

I always tell the cashier right when I get there how many transactions I will have so they are aware of it. Then also let them know you are using coupons. I have also found that young males are the best to go to. They dont' mind a lot of coupons. Otherwise go for the youngest cashier. They won't be so cranky and will make check out more enjoyable.

We have also found that you can only use your roundy's card for 7 transactions. SO if you have more than that I suggest getting a second card. We had 14 transactions one day and needed to get another card.

Also know your coupons. Some you can only use 4 like coupons per transaction. So if you have more than 4 of them you will have to make separate transactions. So stores will even try to tell you they can only have 1 coupon per transaction, but if the coupon says 1 per purchase that means one coupon per item not transaction. So if you have 3 soups. The coupon says 1 coupon per purchase 4 like coupons per transaction. That means you can use 3 of the same coupons for the one transaction. If you have 5 soups then you will need to check 4 out in one transaction and the rest in another.

There are also web or store coupons that you can combine with the manufacturer coupon. Example target has web coupons you can combine with the manufacturer ones. Same with Walgreen's. So if Target has a coupon for Glade on their site when you print it out it will say Web Coupon on top of it. You can combine this with a coupon you got out of the paper. Double the savings! Walgreen's has a booklet of their store coupons in the front of the store by their sales flier. Sometimes combining the 2 can make items free or close to it. Especially if you find an item on the clearance rack or it is on sale.

I carry my coupons with me at all times. You never know when you will find an item on sale or clearance at store. Sometimes things will be on sale and not advertised so always take them with you. I was at Dollar General I had a coupon for Soft Scrub. They had a bottle on clearance for $1.25 just because the bottle was dented. I got it for $.25 normally $2.50. Always check the clearance racks you never know what you will find.

I hope this helps you start understanding how to coupon successfully. Watch lots of videos also. I have found the krazy coupon lady will post videos on what to watch for since her sales start a little before ours. Sometimes also others will post a video on YouTube so you know what deals to look for also. It is a great place to get tips too.

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